Telegram Sticker Comissions Format:

Here's a guide to the formatting you will need to order Telegram sticker commissions.

  1. An up to date character sheet of the character you would like to Stickerize.
  2. A visual reference for any clothes you would like your character to be dressed in.
  3. A strong idea of the expressions you would like and a description of each, and what emojis [limit three per sticker] you would like to go with each sticker

Once you've sent me your references, collect your list of expressions along with the emojis for each, in this format:

The format goes:

Sticker Number. "Description of what you would like your character to be doing." *Emoji or Emoji combo to go with sticker.*

The order doesn't have to come through Telegram, this image is just an template you can use.

Commission Terms of Service.

I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason.


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